Jack-o’-lantern (Photo credit: Wikipedia) It’s October, and you know what that means: pumpkins on every porch; that brisk feeling of fall in the air; and, for many, Parent Teacher Conferences. This article, on edweek.com, offers some very important suggestions and… Continue Reading →
Why iPad (and tablets in general) will succeed (Photo credit: ticoneva) With all the emphasis on integrating technology into schools, it can be difficult to figure out how to do so in a meaningful, cost-effective way. Luckily, here are three… Continue Reading →
Schoolbus Heaven (Photo credit: Kevin Labianco) Here’s a great article that covers some of the highlights from the MetLife Survey of the American Teacher that came out earlier in the year. Here’s my take: The article says that parental engagement… Continue Reading →
Dice five (Photo credit: @Doug88888) We often talk about Parental Engagement on this blog: about how to increase it, why it’s important, and what it means for our children. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the discussions… Continue Reading →
KIDS DRAW THE DARNDEST THINGS (Photo credit: marc falardeau) PTA’s, or parent-teacher associations, have been around since the late 1800’s, and members are just as passionate now as they were so many years ago. They’re often one of the most… Continue Reading →
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