Five reasons why schools are challenged in keeping their parents engaged. Over 75% of small schools are faced with declining enrollment and / or budgets year over year. With limited technology infrastructure and resources, they are constantly in search of… Continue Reading →
While parents and kids are staying on top of the blistering pace of technology, small schools are falling behind in their adoption of modern methods to communicate and engage with their parents. Small school administrators are constantly challenged with the… Continue Reading →
Facebook has become a popular tool for school-parent communication. However, there could be many downsides using Facebook in schools that schools are either not aware of or tend to ignore. Using Facebook often consumes a lot of time. It is… Continue Reading →
Many school fundraisiers are beyond the affordability of parents. As much as a parent would like to contribute and help a school, in a down economy, parents are finding it increasingly difficult to give while meeting their basic necessities. There… Continue Reading →
Overhearing my conversation with a friend, my wide-eyed bundle of energy asked me “Mom, can you juggle? Can you show me how? Do you want me to get you some balls?” My conversation with my friend had actually been about… Continue Reading →
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