Teaching your students is only half the job. Promoting their learning and development requires more than just delivering content in class. It requires a two-way conversation with parents that helps them better understand how kids learn, what it means to develop skills, and how they can help. This article discusses how teachers need to do more than one-on-ones with parents and what more they need to do.

Why Parent-Teacher Conferences Alone Will Not Help

Here are three reasons why just doing PTCs alone are not enough:

#1: They are not frequent enough.

If you only talk to parents once or twice a year, you’re missing out on key opportunities to build a relationship and have an ongoing dialogue. By the time conferences roll around, problems may have already festered and become much harder to solve.

#2: It is hard to get to know parents.

Another problem with one-on-ones with parents is that in just a 30-minute meeting, it is difficult to get to know parents, understand their parenting style, and build trust. Furthermore, if the parent-teacher relationship is negative, it can be challenging for parents to open up and be honest about their child’s strengths and weaknesses.

#3: There is a lot of pressure to give updates.

Parents expect teachers to provide them with regular updates on how their child is doing in class. But it can be challenging to do that during a one-on-one, especially when you have a large classroom and many other things going on.

Other Ways to Better Communicate With the Parents

Now, here are five other ways to help you better communicate with parents:

#1: Start a parent newsletter.

This can be a great way to provide regular updates on what your students are working on, share news and resources, and highlight student successes. You could even use it as an opportunity to reach out and invite parents to workshops or conferences.

#2: Stay in touch via phone or email.

In addition to the parent newsletter, make sure to stay in touch with parents via phone or email. This will help create a more open line of communication and allow you to address concerns as they come up.

#3: Hold regular parent meetings.

Parent meetings are a great way to get parents involved in their child’s education. They can be used to discuss curriculum, educational goals, and ways to support learning at home. These should be monthly meetings or every other month as needed.

#4: Get parents involved in the classroom.

Parents can be a great asset in the classroom. Invite them to come in and help with projects or class activities. This is a great way to build relationships and get parents more involved in their child’s education.

#5: Use social media.

Social media can be a great way to connect with parents and update them on what’s going on in the classroom. You can use it to share news, resources, or just to keep in touch.

Parent-teacher conferences are a necessary part of education, but they are not enough. To truly promote learning and development, teachers need to do more than one-on-one with parents.

How Parents and Teachers Can Effectively Work Together to Help Students Grow

Finally, here are four ways parents and teachers can work together to help students grow, instead of just one-on-ones with parents:

#1: Parents should be involved in their child’s education.

Parents need to be involved in their child’s education from an early age. This means attending parent-teacher conferences, staying up-to-date on their child’s progress, and being active in the classroom.

#2: Teachers should keep parents updated on their child’s progress.

Teachers need to keep parents updated on their child’s progress, both academically and socially. This can be done through regular communication, such as parent-teacher meetings, phone calls, or emails.

#3: Parents should support their child’s learning at home.

Parents can support their child’s learning at home by helping with homework, providing resources, and being involved in their child’s education. Parents should also communicate with teachers about any difficulties or challenges their child might be facing.

#4: Teachers should provide resources and support for parents.

Teachers can provide resources and support for parents by sharing information on child development, offering tips on parenting, and providing access to resources. For example, teachers may share links to helpful websites or provide suggestions for books on parenting and education.

By working together, parents and teachers can help students grow and thrive both in and out of the classroom.

As a teacher, one of your most important responsibilities is to help students grow and thrive both in and out of the classroom. This requires effective communication with parents and other stakeholders and collaboration and support from those around you. Ensure that you are in constant communication with parents about how their child is performing in school, don’t save it all for the one-on-ones with parents!

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