Your School Connector

Category Parent Engagement

A School Management System is a transformative tool that significantly enhances parent engagement in the educational process. These systems bridge the communication gap between schools and families by providing parents with secure access to their child’s academic progress, attendance records, and upcoming assignments. Parents are able to keep track of their children’s performance in real-time, which allows them to intervene and provide support at home at the appropriate time. Parents and teachers are also able to communicate directly and instantly through features such as messaging platforms and parent-teacher communication portals. A seamless flow of information promotes a collaborative learning environment where parents can actively participate in their child’s education, understanding their strengths and areas for improvement. Moreover, school management systems include event calendars that enable parents to keep track of their children’s extracurricular activities. The school management system promotes transparency, accessibility, and open communication, empowering parents to participate actively in their child’s education. This reinforces a strong sense of community and support is crucial to student success and also increases parent engagement & involvement.

Are schools embracing technology and social media to communicate with parents ?

There is a so much buzz these days about the medium a school adapts to communicate with and engage parents. Studies after studies have shown that better engaged parents translate to better performing students. Schools which have moved into the… Continue Reading →

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