The first week of school is an exciting time for preschoolers! They are getting to know their new classmates and teachers and exploring their new school. Check out this article for all you need to know about the start of the preschool year.

What to Expect for the First Two Weeks at School for Preschool?

The first two weeks of school are abuzz with activity as each child gets to know their new classmates, teachers, and the school routine. Here’s what you can expect during this time:

1: There Will Be a Lot of Getting to Know You Activities

During the first week or two of school, children will participate in many activities designed to help them get to know their classmates and teachers. For example, they may play icebreaker games, share things about themselves, or do group activities.

2: Children Will Start to Learn the School Rules

During the first week or two of school, children will start to learn the rules of their new school. They will learn how to line up, raise their hand to speak, and what to do during recess. Also, they will start to learn the routines of their new school, such as how to clean up after lunch.

3: Children May Be Tired During the First Two Weeks of School

After the first few days of school, children may come home tired. This is normal. It takes a lot of energy to adjust to a new environment and make new friends. Make sure children get plenty of rest time after school to help them recharge their batteries.

4: Some Children May Have Separation Anxiety

Some children may have separation anxiety during the first week or two of school. This is normal and usually goes away after a few days. If a child has difficulty adjusting to school, talk to their parent or guardian. They may be able to help your student feel more comfortable going to school

5: There Will Be a Lot of Learning Going On

During the first week or two of school, children will be learning a lot! They will be learning the rules of their new school, getting to know their classmates and teachers, and exploring their new environment. This is a lot for little ones to take in, so don’t be surprised if they seem a little overwhelmed at times.

Creating a Preschool Lesson Plan for the First Week of School

Now, it is time to look at these five ideas for creating preschool lesson plans for the first week of school:

1: Get to Know Your Students

The first step in creating a preschool lesson plan for the first week of school is to get to know your students. During the first few days of school, take some time to get to know each child in your class. Find out their names, interests, and anything else to help you create a lesson plan tailored to their needs.

2: Set the Tone for the Year

The first week of school is a great time to set the tone for the year. You will want to create a lesson plan that is fun and engaging and establishes rules and procedures. This will help children feel comfortable in their new environment and give them a foundation for the rest of the year.

3: Review the Alphabet and Numbers

The first week of school is a great time to review the alphabet and numbers with your students. Many children will be starting preschool without knowing how to read or write. Use this time to assess each child’s level and start teaching them the basics.

4: Introduce Colors, Shapes, and Sizes

During the first week of school, you will also want to introduce colors, shapes, and sizes. These are the building blocks of early learning, and children need a strong foundation in these concepts to succeed in school.

5: Have Fun!

The most important thing to remember when creating a preschool lesson plan for the first week of school is to have fun! Children learn best when they are enjoying themselves. So, make sure your lesson plan is full of activities that your students will love.

These are just a few ideas to get you started on your first-week lesson plan. In the end, just remember to have fun and ensure the children are comfortable.

Preschool Activities List for the First Week of School

Now that you have an idea of what to include in your preschool lesson plan for the first week of school, you can start planning some preschool activities! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1: Name Game

This is a great icebreaker activity that will help you get to know your students. To play, sit in a circle with the children and start by saying your name and something you like. For example, “Hi, my name is Mrs. Smith, and I like ice cream.” Then, go around the circle and have each child say their name and something they like.

2: All About Me

This is an excellent activity for getting to know your students and helping them get to know each other. To play, have each child make a poster about themselves. They can include their name, favorite things, family members, pets, etc. Then, hang the posters around the room and let the children explore.

3: Treasure Hunt

This is a fun activity that will help children review the alphabet and numbers. To play, hide objects around the room and write clues to help the children find them. The clues can be simple, like “I am next to the door,” or more challenging, like “I am behind something that starts with the letter B.” This will help children work together and get to know their classmates.

4: My Favorites List

This is an excellent activity for introducing colors, shapes, and sizes. To play, have each child make a list of their favorite things. They can include their favorite color, shape, size, food, animal, etc. Then, hang the lists around the room and let the children explore.

Use these five activities during the first weeks of school to get to know your students and break the ice!

The first week of preschool is a time to get to know your students and set the tone for the year. Use this guide if you ever wonder what should happen during the first week of school and what you can do to make your students feel welcome.

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