Admission processes are expensive, time-consuming, and riddled with inefficiency. Parents spend hours filling out applications for their children while admissions officers spend countless hours reading through them. But what if there was a way to break the cycle? What if each application could be read by an AI-powered admissions software that evaluated a student’s potential for success in a particular school?

As it turns out, there is. Several schools have already implemented AI-powered admissions software to make the process easier and more efficient, resulting in several benefits.


Common Functions of Admissions Software

While there are many functions of admissions software, there are some that are more common that you should be sure to look out for!

#1: Utilization of Data-Driven Algorithms

The most basic function of admissions software is to improve efficiency and cut down on costs. While automated software can’t read every aspect of an application like a person, it does allow for faster evaluation through the use of algorithms. For example, admission software might look at a student’s GPA and test scores and determine whether or not they would be a good fit for the school.

#2: Easy Syncing Across Schools

One of the best functions of automated admissions systems is their easy syncing across multiple schools. This eliminates the need for parents and students to fill out individual applications on each school website, which can be time-consuming and confusing.

#3: Online Interaction Between Parent and Student

While admissions officers don’t have time to speak with every applicant over the phone, automated software allows parents and students to communicate through an online portal. This feature is especially important for international students who can’t easily set up a phone call with an admissions officer.

#4: Kid-Friendly Interface for Students

One of the most difficult parts of applying to certain schools is making sure that each section of your application is filled out perfectly. Some school applications are extremely demanding, requiring children to write in very formal language at a high level. But automated admissions systems make it much easier for children and students to interact with an admissions program.

#5: Deep Data Analysis Capabilities

In addition to reading through applications quickly, automated admissions systems have deep data analysis capabilities. The algorithms used can analyze a student’s numbers from different aspects of their application as well as compare them to students from similar backgrounds.


Importance of Admissions Software For All Types of Schools

It’s clear that automated admissions systems have a lot of benefits, but how can all types of schools benefit from them?

#1: Enhancing Fairness Across the Admissions Process

One of the most important aspects of admissions software is its ability to enhance fairness across the admissions process. With traditional admissions, the process can be very subjective since so much depends on the opinions of individual admissions officers. However, automated software allows students to be evaluated based on their numbers rather than what an admissions officer reads in their application essays or sees during an interview.

#2: Boosting Efficiency and Transparency

Not only does it make the admissions process more efficient, but automated admissions systems also increase how transparent it is. Since these programs can get rid of lengthy applications and redundant questionnaires, they allow for a much easier application review process.

#3: Flexibility in Which Features to Use

All schools aren’t the same, which is why automated admissions systems offer flexibility by allowing schools to pick and choose which features they want. Some schools might want their automated system to include recommendations or essays while others don’t care about those aspects of the application.

#4: Keeping Up With the Competition

It’s impossible for schools to get ahead of their competitors if they don’t have automated admissions systems in place. In order to stay competitive, schools have to work with the latest technology and software available since many other schools are using it too. Admissions automation is essential when keeping up with the competition.

#5: Meeting State and Federal Regulations

Many schools have to adhere to state and federal regulations that require them to have a certain amount of documentation on their applicants. But if admissions systems aren’t automated, it makes it much harder for schools to follow those guidelines. Schools can easily incorporate automated software into their admissions system to ensure they’re building the right kind of files on each applicant.

Admissions software helps institutions improve their operations and stay competitive in the market. It’s also important for students and parents, as it allows them to communicate more efficiently. With automated admissions systems, students always submit their application materials correctly and on time. It might take some time to learn how to use the software, but once implemented, it can have a very positive impact on an admissions office’s workflow.


7 Benefits of AI-Powered Admissions Software

Finally, there are so many ways AI can improve your school’s admissions software. Here are some benefits of AI-powered admissions software.

#1: Building a More In-Depth Profile of Each Applicant

One way for admissions software to get smarter is by helping the institution build more in-depth profiles of their applicants. This means looking at factors like demographics, test scores, grades, extracurricular activities, and other data points that are essential when trying to determine who should be admitted.

#2: Providing More Applicants for Admission Officers To Look At

It can be frustrating when admissions officers have too few applicants to review. The more applications an officer has to look at, the easier it is for them to make a decision about who should be admitted.

#3: Using Machine Learning to Improve the Admissions Process

Since so much data now exists about students, admissions software can now use machine learning to improve the admissions process. This means applications are reviewed based on hard data rather than subjective personal opinions.

#4: Automatically Assessing Students for In-Classroom Readiness

In the past, admissions officers would have to manually comb through an applicant’s grades and test scores to figure out if they were ready for college. But now, the software can automatically assess applicants using machine learning so admissions officers don’t need as much information from students.

#5: Helping Parents and Students Communicate More Effectively

Parents and students benefit from the automated admissions process because they’re able to communicate more effectively. It can be frustrating when parents and students don’t communicate with each other. Admissions software allows both sides to stay in the loop with what’s happening throughout the admissions process instead of wondering what happened next.

#6: Making Admissions Decisions More Fair and Accurate

When admissions decisions are made exclusively by humans, it can be difficult to stay unbiased. But automated systems can use data analytics to make fairer and more accurate decisions about who should get admitted into the institution. This is especially beneficial for schools that struggle with school diversity.

#7: Automating the Decision-Making Process

Finally, schools benefit from AI-powered admissions software because it automates the decision-making process. This means admissions officers have more time to focus on other tasks related to their job. Many schools find that when they implement an automated system, it can be a great way to cut down on administrative staff.

There’s no doubt that automated admissions systems can help institutions save time and improve their workflow.


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