The modern education system is in a strange place right now. Even with the many strides we’ve made, it’s still viewed as an outdated concept in some circles. Despite its problems, though, having a formal education has been shown to have long-term positive effects on people’s lives, so it’s probably best to try and improve the system and dismantle learning barriers for students rather than scrapping it altogether.


Common Learning Barriers For Students

One of the biggest problems with modern education is that it fails to accommodate a variety of people’s circumstances. In an ideal world, everyone would have an equal opportunity to earn themselves a degree and get on the path towards moving up in their field. Realistically, though, this just isn’t the case. When we look at who is most likely to fail in this system, we find that many of the people who fall behind are those from underprivileged backgrounds or have learning disabilities.

While modern education is lacking in some ways, it still provides students with opportunities they might not have otherwise had. It’s important to remember that many people who didn’t have this access would end up getting left behind socially and financially. While we’d love to put everyone on equal footing, there are a couple of common barriers to learning that have been well documented. One of these is dyslexia. This disorder makes it difficult for people to recognize words and process what they’re hearing or reading. Even with the help of special accommodations, though, people who have this condition can find themselves falling behind if their teachers aren’t trained to teach courses in a way that makes it easier for them.

Another barrier to learning is more of a systemic issue than an individual one: poverty and its effects on education. When students come from low-income families, they’re much more likely to face the problems of hunger or homelessness, making it difficult for them to focus on their studies. Even the most enthusiastic of students can have trouble learning when dealing with these distractions, so schools must try to do what they can to help students facing this kind of hardship.


How School Management Software Can Reduce Learning Barriers

The best way for schools to address these barriers is through technology. While some things still need to be done by an actual person, chances are pretty good that school management software can automate many of the tasks involved in teaching. This reduces costs and makes it much easier for teachers to handle large numbers of students with different needs.

When teachers use these school management software modules, they’ll be able to keep their lessons organized. This will make it easier for them to avoid repeating the same strategies when they notice that specific lessons are giving students trouble. Instead of coming up with brand new ways of conveying information, these teachers can use different content or try out a different approach to accommodate all types of learners.

These tools also provide instant feedback to students. This can help them learn more quickly because they’ll be able to see what concepts they’re struggling with and get suggestions for how they might improve their understanding of these topics. When this is combined with personalized learning plans, students’ chances to meet their goals are much higher than when these school management software modules aren’t being used. This means that the barriers to learning for people with disabilities and those from impoverished backgrounds should become much less common as time goes on and more teachers use these tools in their classrooms.

One technology that’s getting a lot of attention is text-to-speech software. Instead of having the teacher read directly from the textbook, they can type in what they want to say, and the tool will recite it in a synthesized voice. At the same time, students can work on another section of their assignment using text-to-speech as well; this way, they can keep working even when they’re not feeling up to listening to their teacher speak.

Similarly, some tools help students with their dyslexia. For example, audio recordings of the lessons can be used in place of textbooks so that students who have trouble reading can still follow along. There are also tools available for giving tests that make it easier to accommodate people who would otherwise struggle on paper-based exams because they take longer or find it difficult to read the questions. 

By incorporating school management software features, students can succeed even if they would otherwise fall behind. This helps to level the playing field and ensures that there is room for everyone who wants to get an education no matter their background or learning needs.

While these features are helpful for anyone who wants to improve their education or is otherwise struggling with studying, they’re especially well-suited towards helping people overcome issues like dyslexia and poverty. Implementing tools like these will allow schools to support their students, even those who face the most significant learning barriers.

We may not reach a point where everyone can attend an elite school, but there are many ways that technology can help improve the learning experience so that kids have an easier time staying on track.

SchoolCues is an all-in-one school management system for small schools with limited budgets and resources. Our solutions include admissions and enrollment, online payments, student information system, gradebook, communications, parent engagement, donations and fundraising, alumni management and more. Schedule a demo with us today.