I am Dr. S. Sudhakar, the co-founder of SchoolCues. I am excited to share with you our company, SchoolCues, which will soon be launching on the web.

SchoolCues addresses a problem faced by a majority of schools at all age levels: “How can schools help parents become more involved in their children’s school activities-and school success?”

Today’s working parents are constantly struggling to balance their home, work, and social lives, as well as those of their children.We are experiencing a time of extended economic hardship; both teachers and parents are often pressed for time and overworked. Teachers often face high expectations from parents who want their children to perform exceptionally.

Working parents especially feel the need to be more easily integrated with the school activities and requirements without constantly having to receive reminders in their child’s folders or at the school’s front desk or read the school newsletter, which many seldom do, despite the school’s best intentions. This results in parents missing deadlines, scrambling at the last minute to keep up with coordinating their personal and business schedules
with school activities, un-returned phone calls, missed appointments etc.

There has to be an easier, simpler way of working with parents.

What if there was a way for schools to get parents involved in their child’s activities in school without actually having to enter the portals of a school constantly to complete rudimentary activities like entering your child’s name on a register, or signing up for an activity or making a payment?

That’s how SchoolCues came to be. We are working with several schools in California and Arizona to pilot our unique solution specifically aimed at helping schools improve parental interactions by saving time, money and valuable school resources to help make a teacher’s job and a school administrator’s role easier. We have received great feedback from the schools we are working with and we are thrilled to introduce ourselves to you. We are confident that SchoolCues will improve a teacher’s and a parent’s lives in many ways to help them more efficiently manage their time to interact and communicate on critical school activities.

We are currently recruiting more schools to participate in our pilot program, after which we will be releasing the next version of our solution to a broader base of schools. If your school is interested in being a part of this initial pilot program, please contact [email protected].

We would love to know what you think and hear your feedback and suggestions on areas where schools need to improve their communication and interactions with parents to make it easier on both. Please send us your feedback at [email protected].

Dr. Sudhakar